Drawing attention to a debilitating problem impacting families and communities across the state, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment on Monday unveiled data that shows a disturbing trend continuing. The KDHE reported that provisional surveillance results from the State Unintentional Drug Overdose Reporting System (SUDORS) shows that at least 338 Kansas residents died of drug overdose between January 1, 2021 and June 30, 2021. That tally represents a 54 percent increase in the same six-month stretch from 2020. Of the provisional 338 deaths, the KDHE reported that 149 involved fentanyl or fentanyl analogs, 149 involved methamphetamine and 40 involved other drugs, both licit and illicit such as cocaine and prescription opioids. The KDHE said fentanyl continues to drive the uptick in fatal drug overdoses in the state.