Dickinson County honors 130 years’ worth of service
Dickinson County Commissioners presented service awards Thursday, Jan. 6 to 11 employees who have given a combined 130 years of service to the county.
Employees honored, their years of service and the department they work in are: Leah Hern, 35 years, treasurer; Scott Huff, 20 years, road and bridge; Jeanne Livingston, 15 years, county clerk; Rose Johns, 10 years, register of deeds; Kelly Reid, 10 years, sheriff’s department; Deanna Kreutzer, 5 years, treasurer’s department; Tammy Doris, 5 years, treasurer’s department; Megan Jones, 5 years, sheriff’s department; Tim Hamilton, 5 years, planning and zoning; Curtis Rider, 20 years, road and bridge; and Landon Reed,5 years, EMS.
Dickinson County honors employees for every five years of service. This year, service award winners also received time off and a monetary stipend based on their years of service. Eleven Dickinson County employees were honored Thursday, Jan. 6 during the county commission meeting for their years of service to the county: They are, front row from left to right, Tim Hamilton, Scott Huff, Deanna Kreutzer and Tammy Doris; back row, Commission Chairman Lynn Peterson, Megan Jones, Kelli Reid, Rose Johns, Leah Hern and Jeanne Livingston. Not pictured, Curtis Rider and Landon Reed.