BY: Haley Jones
Heartland Health Care Clinic in Abilene is currently under construction. Phase one has
been underway for a few weeks now as updates have been taking place on the HVAC
system. On November 7 th , phase two of the construction project will begin. Phase two
will include a redesign to the patient registration and waiting room area, relocating the
current vending machine room so that the existing space may become part of the clinic,
and reconfiguring the mostly unused space in the back of the clinic. Doing this will
relocate the doctor’s offices closer to the pod areas where their nurses are located and
where they care for their patients.
Although moving and working in make-shift spaces can be frustrating for everyone
involved, the end result means more space for patients and staff to work in, not to
mention a better flow altogether for patient care. “Having to make more room means we
are growing, and that is very exciting,” exclaimed Harold Courtois, Memorial Health
System CEO. “The project is estimated to take six weeks, and we are hopeful that the
timeline will stay closely to that. However, if you have had any experience with labor and
material shortages going on in the country then you know this could change the
What does this mean for you, the patient? Upon entering the Memorial Hospital lobby,
you will be redirected down the hallway toward the elevators. There will be plenty of
signs to help guide patients in the right direction. Conference Room C will be made into
the temporary registration area, and Conference Room B will be used as the temporary
waiting room. Nurses will come to get patients from the waiting room just as they do
now, and the back entrance where employees enter the clinic, will now be used as the
entrance point into the clinic for patients.
Heartland Health Care Clinic would like to apologize for the inconvenience over the next
several weeks, but wants to assure all of their patients that this will be beneficial for
everyone in the long run.