Friend of Sister City Jerry Rankin visits with KABI Wake Up Call Host John Anderson about the 40th anniversary of the city’s partnership with Omitama Japan...
Executive Director of the Community Foundation of Dickinson County Elizabeth Weese visited with KABI Wake Up Call Host John Anderson about the Grant Application process and the Annual Banquet Thursday July 25...
SUITE” BOXES Abilene rodeo sports new “Lumber House Loft” A new addition has been built at the Wild Bill Hickok Rodeo arena in Abilene, Kansas. Elevated seating, called the Lumber House Loft, has been constructed above the roping chutes at the north end of the arena. Standing twelve feet high, the structure measures 20 feet wide by 75 feet long. They have been made into five ...
The Eisenhower Foundation chose a mural design submitted by Ben Tegtmeier, of Eudora for a new piece of public art, which will be painted on the Bert & Wetta Sales Inc. silo. Photo courtesy of Eisenhower Foundation...
The Abilene and Smoky Valley Railroad is experiencing its best summer in the organization’s 31 year history. At the conclusion of the long Independence Day weekend, the A&SV has hauled 6,233 passengers so far this year, compared to just over 3,000 a year ago at this time, and 1,500 for the same period in 2022. The A&SV has drawn passengers from five countries, 37 states, and 246 Kansas c...
Abilene Park and Recreation Director Kellee Timbrook and Ron Preston visit with KABI Wake Up Call Host John Anderson about the Quality of Life Sports Complex Ballot Question to be voted on August 6...
Dickinson County Administrator Janelle Dockendorf and Environmental Services Director Derek Norrick visited with KABI Wake Up Call Host John Anderson about acquiring firework’s permits and spraying for nuisance weeks within the county....
Executive Director of the Community Foundation of Dickinson County Elizabeth Weese visited with KABI Wake Up Call Host John Anderson about the upcoming Annual Banquet and how to donate to the Foundation....
Abilene City Finance Director Leann Johnson visited with KABI Wake Up Call Host John Anderson about work being done at the Abilene Municipal Airport and other projects....
Dickinson County Planning and Zoning Administrator Tim Hamilton visited with KABI Wake Up Call Host John Anderson about new Flood Plain Maps....
Community Bible Church Pastor Carter Perry and Jessica Goodale visit with KABI Wake up call Host Joh...
March 28, 2025 Comments