Employees of Memorial Health System (MHS) wore blue jeans at work, in May, for a “Jeans Day” fundraiser. Employees who made a donation of at least $5 were allowed to wear blue jeans on Fridays in May. A total donation of $680 was presented to Cooper Holloway and his family. In May of 2013, Cooper was diagnosed with a Common Variable Immune Disease, which makes it hard for his body to fight off illness. He has weekly infusions to boost his T & B cells. Last fall, Cooper was seriously injured during a middle school football practice, which has required intense rehabilitation stays and appointments, including at Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital in Nebraska. Cooper’s mother, Dawn, recently had two major surgeries, and his father, Brian, also had two surgeries in recent months. The Jeans Day was organized by the MHS Employer of Choice (EOC) committee. Pictured, from left, are Sara Boyd, EOC committee member; Dawn Holloway, Cooper Holloway, Brian Holloway; and Brittany Ogden, EOC committee member.